CAMEROON PARK                                         ZOO                                           

              CAMEROON PARK                                         ZOO                                           


Donations List/Wish for Help

28 Jan 2017

Rescue Animals over since 2005 


18 Nov 2015

Donation Would Be Nice Thank you for your help.

 Below is a list of items needed for the care of sick, injured, and orphaned exotic, farm, wildlife animals. The care and feeding of animals is provided by volunteers wildlife rehabilitors. We receive no funding from any local, state,or federal agencies. Your donations are tax deductible to the 501 (c) (3) organizations and are greatly appreciated.

Donation List

Animal Food 

  • Dry Pedigree Dog Food Chicken,cat food (used for songbirds)
  • Dry cat or kitten chow 
  • Dry puppy or dog chow 
  • Pecan (whole in shell or pieces,unsalted)
  • Peanuts (raw) hay square,round,(Timothy,mixed)
  • Gerber mixed baby cereal (dry in box)
  • Canned cat food 
  • Pedialyte (store brand ok too) clear/water 
  • Jarred baby food,meat (turkey or chicken)
  • Jarred baby food,fruit 
  • Wild birdseed,sunflower seeds 
  • All stock pellets,cracked corn,rabbit feed 
  • Ceral no sugar,crickets,meal worms.
  • Paper towels 
  • Facial tissue 
  • Large kitchen trash bags
  • Ziploc bags (gallon,quart or sandwich size)
  • Newspaper 
  • White printed paper 
  • Postage stamps 
  • Liquid bleach 
  • Laundry detergent 
  • Cleaning/disinfecting solution 
  • Liquid hand soaps 
  • Scrub brushes 
  • Plumbing fixtures 
  • Gift cards for Lowes or Home Depo 
  • Yard and workshop tools 
  • Meatal stacking chairs 
  • Towels or flat sheets (no holes)
  • Baby receiving blanket (non-terry cloth)
  • Polar fleece blanket or fabric (any size)
  • Pet carrier (any size)
  • Plastic aquarium/"critter keepers "
  • Small animal shavings (aspen or paper)
  • Latex gloves 
  • Livestock Panels,Chain Link Fencing 
  • Cat litter (clay)
  • Heating pads (non-auto shutoff)
  • Cages (especially parrot or ferret cages)
  • Wire for cage building 
  • Fencing material,portable carport,portable building 
  • Ceramic food bowls 
  • Small animal water bottles 
  • Animal weighing scales 
  • Animal catch pole 
  • Dog,parrot,or infant toys & stuffed animals 
  • Portable ultrasound (used is fine)
  • Autoclave (used is fine)
  • Incubator 
  • Pine shavings for animals 
  • Volunteers 


ATTENTION: Donation are urgently need to support the operations of our intake facility and for purchasing medication,vaccines,species-specific formulas, and to help cover veterinary expenses. Explain to acres land for an additional facility on property Raw land wooded around the south side of Shreveport. Donation would help grow this Zoo 

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